How To Become A One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate

First off, let me say I’m super excited for you that you’re considering becoming a One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate!

As an affiliate for the One Funnel Away Challenge myself, I’ve made quite a hefty amount of commissions and want to share with you here both how to become an affiliate and my personal affiliate strategy.

Let’s do this! 😃👊

One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate Signup Link

If you’re looking for the signup link, you can go here to the What’s Your Dream Car Site to apply and start promoting as a One Funnel Away Challenge affiliate.  This should take you to a site that looks like the one below:

One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate Sign Up Page

Go ahead and click on “Apply to Become an Affiliate”.

Once you’ve done that you’ll just need to fill out your info on the application page and submit it.  Within a day or two you should hear back with an email stating whether you’ve been accepted or not.

I’m already a ClickFunnels Affiliate: Can I promote the One Funnel Away Challenge?

Yes!  If you’re a ClickFunnels affiliate then you already have access to promoting the One Funnel Away Challenge.

You can find all of your affiliate links in your ClickFunnels affiliate dashboard.

Where can I find my affiliate link for the One Funnel Away Challenge?

You’ll be able to find it in your ClickFunnels Affiliate dashboard.  You can login to your account back on the What’s Your Dream Car Site now once you’ve been accepted.

Once you’re on the affiliate dashboard, go ahead and scroll down until you get to One Funnel Away as shown below.  You then just need to click on affiliate tools and grab your link to start promoting!

One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate Link

That should take you to the final page with the picture of that sweet Benjamin Franklin ($100 Bill).

How much commission do you get for promoting the One Funnel Away Challenge?

You’ll get the full $100 for every person who signs up under you using your affiliate link.

That’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me since you’ll be getting 100% commission for every purchase.  It’s one of the big reasons why I made it a goal to promote the One Funnel Away Challenge after signing up as a ClickFunnels affiliate.

How to promote the OFA Challenge

There’s honestly no single best or right way to promote the One Funnel Away (OFA) Challenge.  However, I’d like to outline my strategy for how I personally promote the OFA Challenge.

For me, I like to be more behind the scenes and as such I decided to create a blog to share what I know to teach others and provide value and my own unique perspective to the marketplace.

So, why is starting a blog a good way to make commissions?  The #1 reason is that you’ll be driving highly targeted free traffic to your offers through the power of SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

In brief, SEO is all about getting Google to see your blog post as relevant to the search term typed in and in turn rank you high in the search rankings.

All of my posts are focused on creating epic original content.  Instead of getting weighed down by trying to figure out all the latest tricks, I stick with what I know and that’s simply consistently creating content that is unique and focused on the search intent of the user.

The rest will fall into place and you’ll start to see high rankings if you follow through with this strategy.  Within one month, my first blog post I had ever created on the One Funnel Away Challenge ranked on the first page of Google and just 2 weeks later I got my first commission.

It’s not a fast game, it’s a long-term game that’s well worth it in the end when you’re generating free super targeted traffic on autopilot. 😃👊

One Funnel Away Challenge Bonuses

It’s important to go through the One Funnel Away Challenge yourself before promoting it.  I personally have gone through it which is why I can tell you it’s an exceptional training to get your funnel up and running in a short amount of time.

I’ve got tons of One Funnel Away Challenge Bonuses which you can take a look at if you’re interested in giving it a go.

What’s cool is that I’m giving you the white label rights to all of my bonuses as well so you can use all of my bonuses as your own! 

Final Thoughts

As a One Funnel Away Challenge affiliate, you have the opportunity to share a challenge that can change someone’s life.

Draw upon your own story and use it as a catalyst to effectively promote the OFA Challenge in the content that you create and the ads you promote.

Remember, provide value to the marketplace and eventually you’ll start to see those sales roll in. 

I wish you the best of success on your affiliate marketing journey.  I know you’ll be crushing it in no time!  You can grab all my One Funnel Away Challenge Bonuses below. 

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Affiliate Disclaimer

I hope you enjoyed this post and got some value from this One Funnel Away Challenge Affiliate post.  I’m an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee.  I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels.  The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.

  • Niko says:

    Hi David and thanks for the info!
    I have a questions…when refer someone to the OFA…besides the 100$ Commission, I still be the commissioner of their account when they sign in ?

    Thanks a lot!

    • David Sandy says:

      If I understand your question, then yes you are cookied to your affiliate account.

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