Dynamic Sub ID Affiliate Tracking [How To Track Everything With One Short URL]

Are you trying to track your affiliate links with dynamic sub ids?

I’ll share with you the steps you need to take to start dynamic sub id affiliate tracking so that you only need to use one short URL for an affiliate link.

Ready?  Let’s dive right in!

What are dynamic sub ids?

Dynamic sub ids allow you to append or add on the sub ids to the end of any tracking link you create.  I created DSLinker as a free link tracker specifically to be able to use a custom domain and track sub ids dynamically for affiliate links.

Dynamic sub ids for affiliate links can be added one after the other, separated with a “/”.

So, if my tracking link is https://davidandrewsandy.com/dropfunnels.

Then I can add sub ids like this: https://davidandrewsandy.com/dropfunnels/sub-id1/sub-id2

This allows you to view the source of a click within DSLinker when viewing the statistics for an individual link.

Dynamic Sub ID Affiliate Tracking Step-By-Step

Here’s the steps to setup dynamic sub id affiliate tracking with DSLinker.

Step 1: Create Your DSLinker Account For Free

Start tracking affiliate links for free by creating your free link tracking account here. 🙂

Step 2: Create A New Short Tracking Link Using Dynamic Sub Id Tokens 

If you want to pass the sub-ids dynamically onto your affiliate link, then you need to simply add tokens appended to the end of the affiliate link in place of where the sub ids would normally go.

The tokens [s1]–[s5] can be used with DSLinker anywhere in your long URL and they will be replaced with the corresponding sub ID that is passed in with each click.

Here’s what that looks like:

Notice that I have my affiliate link as the long URL that I want to redirect to but have replaced where the sub ids would normally go with the tokens [s1] and [s2].

Step 3: Test Link Click With Sub Ids & View Link Statistics

In order to test my short link with dynamic sub ids, I added the following sub ids to the end: https://dspro.me/onefunnelaway/testing/dsofficial

This resulted in being redirected to:

Now go into the individual link statistics by clicking on the eye icon.

You can then view the recent clicks with the sub ids used.dynamic sub id affiliate tracking link stats

And that’s it! 🙂👍

With this setup, you’ll only need to use one affiliate link for each product you promote and be able to track the source of clicks on your affiliate links.

Dynamic Sub ID Affiliate Tracking Conclusion

Using dynamic sub ids to track the source of clicks on your affiliate links makes everything much easier in the long run.

Instead of having to create multiple tracking links for each variation of sub ids you want to use, all you need is a single short URL to track the source of clicks on affiliate links.

Hopefully, you got your free link tracking account setup for DSLinker and can use it for all your link tracking.

Now it’s your turn!  Give this post a share if you enjoyed it and leave a comment below. 😀👍

Affiliate Disclaimer

I hope you enjoyed this post. This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links at no additional cost to you.

  • Saayed says:

    Thank you so much David! for sharing a such a informative article, I like the way you share the content with the help of screenshot. Great post.

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