How To Create A Branded Link Redirect For Free

Have you been trying to figure out how to create a branded link redirect for free with no luck?

Well, I’ll walk you through step-by-step how to get things setup.

By the end, you’ll have everything up and running to create your own branded short links

Let’s dive right in!

How To Create A Branded Link Redirect Step-By-Step

Time to get started!  Here’s the step-by-step breakdown of how to create branded link redirects for free to start creating your own brand short links.

Step 1: Create Your Free DSLinker Account

The first step is to create your free DSLinker account.  Go here to get your free access link.

Once you’ve received the email with the link, create an account.

Note that it may take up to 5 minutes to receive the email with your free access link to start creating affiliate links.

Step 2: Go To The Custom Domains Tab And Point Your Domain To DSLinker

The next thing you need to do is click on the custom domains tab inside the DSLinker software and click to add a new custom domain to track your links with.

If you’re trying to connect the root domain (e.g., then you need to add an A record to the DNS records where you registered your domain or with your hosting provider.

If you’re trying to connect a subdomain (e.g., then you need to add a CNAME record to the DNS records where you registered your domain or with your hosting provider.

Once you’ve done that and have waited up to 5 hours for the DNS records to propagate, you can click next and you will have finished connecting your custom domain to use as your branded link URL.

Step 3: Go To Links Tab And Create Your Branded Short Link

The next step is to head over to the Links tab within the DSLinker software once you’ve created your custom domain for the branded short link.Links Tab Inside DSLinker Free Affiliate Link Tracking Software

Click on ‘create’ to make a new track link.

From there, you can click on “Advanced Options” and choose from several different settings.Creating A New Affiliate Tracking Link

There’s 3 main types of branded short links you can create for free:

  • Direct Tracking Link – Redirects user to the long URL instantly
  • Frame Tracking Link – Shows the redirected page inside an iframe with the DSLinker navigation bar
  • Splash Tracking Link – Shows a splash page with optional ads and then redirects the user to the URL after a delay

Step 4: Enter In A Custom Tracking Link ID For Your Branded Link Redirect

The custom link ID is where you can enter in a custom URL slug between 4-20 characters for your tacking link that will then redirect to the long URL that you specify.

Step 5: Set An Expiration Date And Time For The Branded Short Link

You can set an expiration date and time if needed for when the tracking link will be disabled and no longer redirect.  By default, this is left blank so the links you create will never expire.

Step 5: Set A Password If Desired

Next, you can also set a password for the tracking link if you want it to be secure and only accessible by certain users.

Step 6: Select The Custom Domain For The Branded Link Redirect

After that, you can select the custom domain you want the branded link redirect to be accessible on.  By default, the domain is set to be for the domain if left blank.

Step 7: Assign A Title, Tags, & Description

You can also assign a title, tags, and description to organize the branded short links that you’ve created for you affiliate links.

Step 9: Target Specific Locations & Devices If Desired

Finally, you have the option to only target specific locations and devices to redirect to different URLs with the same tracking link.

Step 10: Confirm The Branded Short Link

Once you’ve figured out the settings, click ‘Confirm’ and your branded short link with your own custom domain will be created!

Frequently Asked Questions About Branded Link Redirects

A branded link is a custom link with your company’s custom domain name used as the root.  This is useful for tracking links to build trust with your audience.

A custom branded URL uses your own company’s custom domain or brand domain to redirect to another URL that’s typically longer.

You can create a link redirect to another link by use a branded link shortener. Using DSLinker, you can simply create a new link, add a custom URL slug, and finish by clicking confirm to create the link redirect.

You can create a branded short link using DSLinker.  This is done by pointing a DNS record to the server using an A record or CNAME record in your domain registrar or hosting provider.  From there, create a new branded short link using the newly connected custom domain.


Congrats on getting your first branded short link created with DSLinker to redirect to any long URL that you want.

Now I want to hear from you.  Did you get everything setup or where there any issues along the way? 🙂

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I hope you enjoyed this post. This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links at no additional cost to you.

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